Unlimit yourself with ATCA accounting services for your company and reach another level of your business! We stay tuned to all changes in regulations, market innovations and ensure attentive approach to your company’s needs. We actively seek opportunities to exceed market standards. Our accounting expertise, knowledge and also a deep understanding of international enterprises is complemented by a solid dose of sensitivity and personalized attention to your situation and goals. With ATCA,it’s more than just accounting: we are your Finance partners… and beyond.

Within the scope of our accounting offer you will find:

  • Bookkeeping according to Swiss Code of
  • Obligations, and upon request, according to US GAAP or IFRS;
  • Complete HR and payroll services;
  • Calculating VAT, personal and corporate income tax;
  • Keeping records of fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • Organizing and maintaining your operating accounts;
  • Preparing and submitting periodic financial statements to help you investigate and estimate results of your operations to keep track of investment opportunities and tax optimization;
  • Representation at tax office and other regulatory bodies;
  • Online access to financial statements, income statements, invoices and other company documents;
  • Go Beyond with your accounting – contact us!

Do not be too long !

Make an appointment with us now to find out how we can help you.

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